Select your Number | Other services | Services | Telco, ICT and content provider A1

Select your Number

Select a tariff and connect

Platinum number

    207,29 BYN activation charge
    0,00 BYN/month regular payment
    5 equal digits or zeros:
    __x-xx-xx; _xx-xx-x_; xxx-xx-__

    Diamond number

      170,87 BYN activation charge
      0,00 BYN/month regular payment
      4 last digits are equal:

      Gold number

        115,60 BYN activation charge
        0,00 BYN/month regular payment
        Last 6 digits are equal pairs:
        _xy-xy-xy; _xx-yy-zz

        Silver number

          77,56 BYN activation charge
          0,00 BYN/month regular payment
          4 last digits are equal pairs or the last 3 digits are zeros:
          ___-xx-yy; ___-xy-xy; ___-_0-00

          Bronze number

            37,87 BYN activation charge
            0,00 BYN/month regular payment
            3 equal digits:
            _xx-xy-yy; _xy-zx-yz; xxx-_y-yy

            Select a different number

              8,87 BYN activation charge
              0,00 BYN/month regular payment

              Detailed information

              The subscriber can select/change the phone number to any of the subscriber numbers available for assignment offered by the Company. To provide cellular mobile telecommunications services, the Company has the right to provide a subscriber number that was previously in use. The number can be:

              • platinum (5 equal digits or zeros)
              • diamond (4 last digits are equal or zeros)
              • gold (last 6 digits are equal pairs)
              • silver (4 last digits are equal pairs or the last 3 digits are zeros) • bronze (numbers like _XYZXYZ, where X,Y,Z are equal and _ is any digit; or a number like _YYYXXX, YYYXXX_, YYY_XXX, where 3 digits YYY and XXX are the same and _ is any digit)

              My A1 allows 5 attempts to select a number.
              If My A1 does not provide a list of numbers for selection (since there no available numbers matching the given creteria), this attempt counts too.
              If all 5 attempts have been used, My A1 shows a notification "Number change will be available after (time, date)", i.e. 24 hours later.
              After a number transfer from life:), MTC to A1 Select your Number service is offered according to general practice.

              Number selection is availble to all A1 customers (except for prepaid tariffs customers).

              Number change is available to all A1 cutomers (except for Sputnikoviy Monitoring and prepaid tariffs).

              To find what numbers are available, go to:

              • My A1
              • A1 centers or in dealer sales points (you'll need to privide your ID)